US Political History – Spring 2016
Instructor: Bryan Owens
Location: Palo Alto
Date: 2/27/2016 – 5/21/2016
In this class, students learned a great deal about the historical background of the United States. During class, we reviewed the knowledge learned from the homework, analyzed and discussed historical documents, debated. The homework was mostly watching videos, reading textbook passages and supplemantary materials and taking notes on primary sources.
Each class, students were required to bring writing utensils and a folder/binder/notebook to store documents and notes.
The topics we covered during the class are:
- Colonization, Revolution, New Republic, Nationalism
- Westward Expansion, Antebellum, Civil War
- Industrialization, Gilded Age, Imperialism
- World War I, Great Depression, World War II
- Post-WWII, Cold War, Pax Americana, Era of Social Change, Globalization
- The New Millennium (modern day)