
Current events are news that are currently happening around the world. Every other week, students will choose recent news topics to focus on. They will be researching these topics and giving a five minute presentation for a topic during class. The instructor and TA will help with discussions and give the presenter feedback, as well as helping students effectively analyze text and be able to speak well. By the end of the course, students will be able to speak and lead confidently in front of an audience, develop critical thinking skills, and be more informed on current events.

Dates: Saturdays Jan 21, Feb 4, March 4, March 18, April 1, April 22

Time: 6:15–7:15pm

Location: 10070 Imperial Ave, Cupertino, CA, 95014


Bryan Owens

Bryan Owens is a 12th grader at Gunn High School. He is co-founder and co-president of Silicon Valley Youth and has been teaching ever since SVY’s inception. Bryan is VP of Fundraising at Gunn Business (FBLA + DECA) club and Treasurer at Gunn SAGE Global club. In the summer of 2016, he was selected to attend the most prestigious business summer program for high school students, Leadership in the Business World (LBW), at the renowned Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

Course Outline

  1. What is business and why study it, entrepreneurship
  2. Accounting, stock market, finance
  3. Marketing
  4. Business plans, business plan project announcement, work time
  5. Business strategy and case studies, work time
  6. Business plan presentations, what to explore next

Class Photos