Tai Chi
This course is taught by world champion Winnie Zhao, currently a junior at Gunn High School. She will teach 24 simplified Tai Chi styles.
这门课的老师是赵君泓(Winnie Zhao), 她是Gunn High School 十一年级学生, 世界冠军。 她将教24式简化太极拳,动作轻松柔和、连贯自然,适强身健体,舒解压力,减少疾病,提高生活品质。
Dates: Every Saturday from January 7, 2017 to March 11, 2017 (1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11)
Time: 2:15pm–3:15pm
Location: Dance Studio, Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306

This course is taught by world champion Winnie Zhao, currently a junior at Gunn High School. She will teach 24 simplified Tai Chi styles.
这门课的老师是赵君泓(Winnie Zhao), 她是Gunn High School 十一年级学生, 世界冠军。 她将教24式简化太极拳,动作轻松柔和、连贯自然,适强身健体,舒解压力,减少疾病,提高生活品质。
Dates: Every Saturday from 4/01/2017 to 6/3/2017 (4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 6/3 ) (note that there is no class on 5/27)
Time: 2:15pm–3:15pm
Location: Dance Studio, Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA 94306
Sign up for the class here.

Instructor: Winnie Zhao
Winnie Zhao is a junior at Gunn High School. She started learning Tai Chi at 9 years old. In 2014, she became the champion of Taijiquan and Taijijian at the 10th Pan-American Wushu Championships in Costa Rica. In September 2016, she became the overall woman's champion in the First USA WCI Taichi Championship. In October 2016, she attended the 2nd World Taijiquan Championships as a member of the US team, winning two gold medals and one silver medal in Warsaw, Poland.
赵君泓(Winnie Zhao):Gunn High School 11年级学生,9 岁开始习练太极。 她2014参加在哥斯达黎加举行的第10届泛美比赛获太极拳、剑第一,同年参加第一届太极拳世锦赛选拔进了国家队但因年龄太小没能前往。 今年7月她又通过激烈选拔进美国队,10月代表美国国家队参加在波兰华沙举办的第二届太极拳世锦赛,获得二金一银。 9月参加美西国际太极拳锦标赛得女子总冠军。